Published by The Source Weekly
Local Fitness Professionals and Their Clients Share Their Secrets to Success
Tell me if this sounds familiar: It’s January and you’ve started that diet you’ve promised yourself you would do. You bought that gym membership, sure to help you get the body you’ve been dreaming of. The first week or two often goes well, but come week three, four and five, motivation and determination start to break down. And with that the New Year’s resolutions cycle begins and ends again.
While many fail at their resolutions to take up a healthier lifestyle each year, there are a few who succeed. These individuals and the coaches and trainers who support and guide them are the keepers of the keys to success. In an effort to help you break the cycle of broken resolutions—and in honor of our Fit Week/Winter Health issue— we asked local fitness professionals and their clients to share their tips for success. [Read More…]